Friday, March 3, 2017

What is Morgellons?


What is Morgellons?

Morgellons is a rare, controversial and poorly understood illness that affects human skin. Characterized by slow-to-heal lesions, open sores, and mysterious filaments which seem to emerge from below the skin surface, Morgellons is often both extremely painful and debilitating, with symptoms ranging from severe fatigue and gastrointestinal issues to neurological disturbance. Morgellons is often accompanied by a sensation that something—maybe insects or worms—is crawling just beneath or on top of the skin. This last symptom has led many medical professionals to connect (or confuse) Morgellons with delusional parasitosis, a delusional disorder in which sufferers falsely believe they’re infested by parasites or insects. Some doctors believe Morgellons originates from an infectious agent, and is similar in that way to Lyme Disease.

Why is Morgellons Such a Medical Mystery?

It’s simple: very little is known about the condition. The medical community is unsure or in disagreement on the following: the cause of Morgellons (is it fungal, bacterial, or perhaps caused by exposure to a toxin?), whether it’s contagious, whether it’s a physical or mental disorder, how to treat it, even how to diagnose it. Some professionals and researchers (including the CDC) believe Morgellons is a strictly mental phenomenon, with no real physical cause; others (like scientists at Oklahoma State University) argue that Morgellons is not caused by delusions, but is in fact a real, although mysterious, disease. Perhaps the largest source of contention centers around Morgellon’s puzzling filaments or fibers. Primarily red, black, or blue in color, these fibers remain an enigma—their cause and composition unknown. The CDC concluded that these fibers come from textiles, fabric that’s likely been transferred from clothing to lesions by scratching. However, several researchers argue that the makeup of these fibers is not linen or fabric, but rather something biological that’s erupting from the skin as the result of some unknown infection or contagion (these fibers have also been seen in unbroken skin). In 2005, forensic scientists at the Tulsa Police Crime lab tested a Morgellons’ filament against the 100,000 known fibers in the FBI database. No match was found. The sample was not cotton or linen or any other synthetic or natural fiber known to their database. One scientist commented, “this isn’t lint, this isn’t a commercial fiber—it’s just not.”



Is Morgellons Real?

Regardless of the source or cause or nature of the illness, Morgellons is undeniably a real condition that affects people across the world. One thing is clear: additional research, open-mindedness and empathy is needed to better understand this crippling ailment. While Morgellons research is ongoing, diseases with similar symptoms and appearance have been witnessed in both dogs and cattle.

What Are the Signs/Symptoms of Morgellons—What does it feel like?

Morgellons has been associated with a wide range of symptoms, both physical and mental. The following is a list of common symptoms reported by Morgellons sufferers:

  • Severe Itching
  • Crawling or burning sensations under the skin
  • Slow-healing lesions
  • Severe Fatigue
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Neurological impairment
  • The appearance of fibers or granules originating from below the skin surface
  • Tooth deterioration
  • Psychiatric disturbance (in rare cases even suicide)
  • Hair loss
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Diminished cognitive function
  • Life-altering depression
  • Insomnia

Cures & Treatments—What To Do If You Have Morgellons

There is currently no medically-accepted cure or treatment for Morgellons. However, Morgellons sufferers have found relief from a variety of DIY treatments—remedies such as homemade topical formulas and essential oils (like cedar oil for example). The Charles E. Holman Foundation for Morgellons Disease has published a resource offering tips and suggestions for those suffering with Morgellons. You can find that here.

In addition to these tips, it’s important to consult a medical professional if you are showing signs or symptoms of Morgellons. When seeking treatment from a doctor be mindful of the following:

  • Seek out a medical professional who listens and validates your concerns. Historically, doctors have been quick to dismiss those who claim to suffer from Morgellons. So, it’s important to find a professional who is open-minded and willing to listen—someone that makes your health and well-being a priority.
  • Stay open-minded yourself. Morgellons is still not officially recognized in the medical community. Chances are whatever professional you consult will look to eliminate any known causes or disorders before addressing your Morgellons concerns. Stay open-minded. You might be suffering from something other than Morgellons, or in addition to Morgellons.
  • Listen. If your chosen Doctor suggests treatments apart from a Morgellons diagnosis, pursue them before dismissing them. You’ve chosen to seek a professional, so why not consider their suggestions?
  • Stay Positive. We realize that what you’re going through is extremely debilitating. That you likely feel alienated and unheard. We could not be more sympathetic. We’d like to suggest that you do your best to stay positive, both for yourself, your friends and family. Optimism is a great ally in the fight against any serious illness.


Suffering From Morgellons?

If you are dealing with what you believe is Morgellons Disease, we hear from customers everyday that our all-natural pesticide, Cedarcide Original,  alleviates the symptoms associated with Morgellons. For larger cases of Morgellons, our customers have found success using our Home Infestation Treatment Kit









The post What is Morgellons? appeared first on CedarCide.

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