Thursday, May 31, 2018

9 Tips to Help Your Cat Live Longer

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We’d all like our cats to live long, healthy lives. While nothing can be done about genetics, there are several things that we as cat owners can do to improve our feline’s lifespans. From simple lifestyle changes to maintaining healthy habits, here’s 9 things you can do to increase your cat’s life expectancy.


Keep Up with Those Vet Visits

Regular nose-to-tail examinations are a must for keeping your feline in tip top shape. Compared with dogs, cats are more likely to disguise pain, so you might not notice when their ill or injured. In addition to maintaining overall health, keeping up with vet visits will help catch potentially serious health concerns before they become life-threatening. From dental issues to advice managing an aging pet, maintaining regular contact with your vet is a no-brainer approach to extending your kitty’s life.


Keep Them Inside

Because of elements like infectious disease, pesticides, animal attacks and car accidents, outdoor cats tend to live much shorter lives. In fact, outdoor cats live only 2-5 years on average compared to 15-20 years for indoor cats. An easy way to not only extend your cat’s life but improve their quality of life is to never leave them outdoors unattended (It only takes a second for your cat to ingest something toxic or get snatched by a wild animal). Now, enjoying outdoor activities with your adventure cat is a different story—we’re all for that!



Keep Them Hydrated

Many household cats do not drink enough water, and it’s not always the owner’s fault. Firstly, in the wild, cats consume much of their water through feeding. Secondly, some cats can be weird about stagnant water sources, including traditional water bowls. If your cat is not adequately hydrating, you can help them get more water by switching out dry foods for options with higher water content (we suggest consulting your vet for the specifics). Additionally, feel free to turn on the faucet every now and then so your cat can grab an extra drink. Just make sure to switch it off when they’re done—wasting water is no bueno.


Spay or Neuter

A study by Banfield Pet Hospital found that spayed and neutered cats live longer than those that haven’t undergone these procedures. In addition to saving literally millions of animal lives from euthanization each year, these surgeries can help limit undesirable behaviors like marking as well as reduce the likelihood of certain diseases. Want your cat to live as long as possible? Fixing them is one of the easiest steps you can take in that direction.


Improve Their Diet

As the saying goes, you are what you eat, and the same goes for our feline friends. It’s simple: If your cat eats a high quality, balanced and age appropriate diet, they’re going to live longer. Specifically what that diet includes will vary from cat to cat based on lifestyle and specific health needs. In general, aim for a diet that’s as organic and fresh as possible and avoid over or underfeeding. Keep treats to a minimum, too. Consult a vet (or holistic vet) to determine what diet is best for your cat.


Manage Their Weight

According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 60% of cats in the U.S. are overweight or obese. All that extra weight can put a serious strain on your cat’s body, potentially causing type 2 diabetes, organ damage, joint problems or heart failure. On the other end of the scale, an underweight cat can point to underlying health conditions, such as kidney disease or cancer. If your cat’s weight is unhealthy, visit your vet to strategize how to improve your pet’s physical fitness. If you’re unaware if your cat’s weight is healthy, visit petmd’s weight tool to find out.


Dental Hygiene

Dental hygiene is about more than quality of life—it can affect how long your cat lives, too. Bacteria from mismanaged teeth can enter your pet’s bloodstream, ultimately causing organ damage and in some cases even premature death. Most cats over the age of three already experience some form of dental disease. If you’ve neglected your cat’s teeth, it’s not too late! Make an appointment with your vet for a dental checkup and maintain regularly scheduled visits thereafter. Also, consider professional teeth cleanings if you don’t feel comfortable performing them at home.


Fend Off Boredom

Bored, depressed, and stressed cats on average live shorter lives. Providing your cat with engaging toys as well as perches and scratching posts can help keep them nimble and alert (just remember to rotate the toys occasionally). Playtime and grooming can be a much needed source of stress-relief for your cat, too—the shared bonding time will not only improve your relationship but can help keep your cat’s behavior in check. Bored and stressed cats are much more likely to act out or otherwise misbehave. Click here for tips on showing your cat some love.


Ditch the Chemicals

From cleaning supplies to outdoor pesticides to flea and tick products, your cat is surrounded by toxic chemicals that can shorten their lifespan. Limiting their exposure to these chemicals is essential. Firstly, consider switching out household cleaners and air fresheners for natural alternatives. Making your entire cleaning routine pet-safe is even better. Secondly, trade traditional, chemical-based pesticides and bug repellents with pest control options sourced from natural ingredients.

From heartworms (which are spread by mosquito bites) to skin diseases caused by fleas and mites, bugs can put a serious hurt on your cat’s health. Protecting your cat from these pests—and the harmful topical pesticides normally used to treat them—is something every cat owner should take seriously. To safeguard your feline, we suggest applying a non-toxic insect repellent to your cat’s fur weekly (2-3 times a week for outdoor and adventure cats).


Thoughts, suggestions, have your own tips to add? Comment below or head over to our Facebook page and let us know what you think!


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Monday, May 21, 2018

3 Tips for Choosing the Right Bone for Your Dog

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Bones are beneficial for dogs and dog owners alike. They taste great and are super entertaining for our pups, but more importantly they’re good for them, too. Chewing bones strengthens jaws, cleans teeth, reduces bad breath, and supplies both physical and mental stimulation thereby helping manage destructive behaviors. Natural bones are also a good source of nutrients, such as calcium and other minerals. But these many benefits are only enjoyed if the bone is the right fit for you pooch. Choosing the incorrect type and size for your dog’s unique needs could do more harm than good. Here’s three simple tips to help you select the right bone for your dog.


Go Natural and Raw

When selecting a bone, we suggest only natural, raw options. Artificial and processed chews like rawhide bones are notoriously unsafe and often contain toxic chemicals and preservatives (more info that here). That leaves you with cooked or raw natural bones. Cooked bones have fewer nutritional benefits and are usually quite brittle. If a sharp splinter breaks off during chew time, your pup could suffer damage to their teeth, gums, throat, intestines and more. Raw natural bones are the only way to go.



Pick the Right Size

The right bone is neither too small nor too big. A bone’s that too small could easily be swallowed, becoming lodged in the throat or stomach; and bones that are too large can damage teeth, and may contain too much fat content for smaller pups. As a general rule, aim for a bone that’s bigger than the length of your dog’s muzzle, but nothing much larger than that.

Consider Your Pup’s Age, Health and Personality

Is your dog an aggressive chewer? Do they still have puppy teeth, or did they recently have dental work? Do they have a sensitive tummy? Are they prone to allergies? Your dog’s unique health profile and personality should be considered when choosing the correct bone.

To prevent choking, give bones only after feeding, which will curb the temptation to swallow bones or bone fragments whole. It’s a good idea to supervise chew time also, so you can take away small or finished pieces before they become a choking hazard. Additionally, separate dogs when offering bones, as even the friendliest pups can become territorial when tasty bones are involved.


Thoughts, suggestions, have your own tips to add? Comment below or head over to our Facebook page and let us know what you think!


The post 3 Tips for Choosing the Right Bone for Your Dog appeared first on Cedarcide.

Friday, May 18, 2018

6 Tips for Hiking with Your Cat

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You’ve probably heard of hiking with dogs, but did you know hiking with cats is also a thing? Adventure cats are quickly becoming a hot topic in pet circles, especially for those who spend considerable time outdoors. We know what you’re thinking: “there’s no way I could get my cat to hike with me!” But you might be surprised. With a little patience, training and experience, many cats come to love exploring the outdoors with their pet parents. Hiking can also be super beneficial for cats, supplying them with much needed mental stimulation and exercise. Like with any new activity, you’ll need to adequately prepare to enjoy a successful hike with your cat. Here’s 6 tips to get you started.


Bring the Proper Gear

Bottom line: If you don’t pack the proper gear, your excursion will not be successful. At the minimum, bring the following:

  • Water: Always bring enough for both you and your cat. Never allow your cat to drink from natural water sources like ponds and streams, the risk of parasites and bacteria is simply too great.
  • Snacks/food: Hiking burns lots of energy, so you’ll both need to refuel. Consult a vet to find the ideal food for hiking with your cat.
  • Harness: The type will depend on your cat’s unique needs, consult this resource for help choosing the proper harness.
  • Cat-safe bug repellent: flea, tick and mosquito protection is essential when exploring the outdoors.
  • Collar with ID tags (we also suggest microchipping your cat).
  • Cat-safe sunscreen (especially if your cat is short-haired, no-haired or fair-haired)
  • Cat pack: For when your kitty gets too tired to walk on their own
  • Pet-specific first aid kit
  • Foldable litter box and/or poop bags (cat poop contains harmful bacteria and should never be left in the wild)


Stay on the Trail

Veering off the trail exposes you and your adventure cat to countless safety hazards. Poison ivy, toxic plant life, hungry predators, dangerous terrain—all lurk just off the trail. The environment can also suffer from walking off trail, as delicate ecosystems can easily be disturbed by trampling feet and curious cats. For the benefit of nature, you, and your fur bae, stick to the designated trails.



Train Beforehand

Transforming your cat into an adventure cat doesn’t happen overnight. It takes patience, training and lots of treats to get your cat ready to hit the trail. First thing, you need to get them used to using a harness and leash (here’s a helpful tutorial for that). Spending a few weeks using the harness around the house and in the backyard is a must. Training your cat to come when called is also important, as accidents and other dangers can occur on the trail without warning.


Start Young

The sooner your cat gets acclimated to adventuring, the more likely they are to enjoy it. In fact, kitties are often better at wearing a harness and being walked than adult cats. Before hitting the trail with your young cat, consult your vet to ensure they’re physically ready for hiking (make sure they have all the necessary vaccinations, too!).


Beware of Dangers

Nature is fun, but it’s also wild. Owls, eagles, hawks, coyotes, parasites, snakes, biting insects, domesticated dogs—all pose a threat to your cat while hiking. Be prepared to face these risks and plan accordingly. As a rule, always keep your cat close, harnessed, leashed, hydrated and well fed. Apply pet-safe insect repellent and cat-safe sunscreen (for fair, shot-haired and no-haired breeds) to guard against bites and burns. As a precaution, read up on the signs of exhaustion and heat stroke, too.


Prepare to Carry Your Cat

Even veteran adventure cats get tired faster than most dogs. Whether from exhaustion or nervousness, at some point you’ll have to pick up your kitty if you take them hiking (hence the cat pack in the suggested equipment above 😉). Simply put, cats tend to feel safer on high ground, so especially at first, your cat might want to “hike” sitting on your shoulders or safely tucked in their cat pack. For these reasons, make sure your cat is comfortable being carried and that you’re physically capable of towing them around before hitting the trails.


Thoughts, suggestions, have your own tips to add? Comment below or head over to our Facebook page and let us know what you think!


The post 6 Tips for Hiking with Your Cat appeared first on Cedarcide.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

5 Household Products Every Pet Owner Should Avoid

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As pet parents we go to great lengths to keep our pets safe. We seek healthy food options, keep up with vet visits, and never let our fur baes eat dangerous foods. But did you know most households are filled with chemicals that threaten the health of our pets? From cleaners to candles, countless products contaminate our homes with toxins. Because of their small size and close proximity to the ground, pets are far more vulnerable to these toxins and therefore more likely to suffer their negative health effects. For the safety or your cat or pup, here are 5 household products every pet parent should avoid.


Toxic Flea & Tick Products

Traditional flea and tick products can seriously threaten your pet’s health, not to mention your own. Whether collars, pills or repellent sprays, traditional pest control products for pets often contain toxic ingredients—including fipronil, imidacloprid, and pyrethroids. Organ damage, seizures, nervous system damage and even death are all associated with these chemicals. Choosing a pet-safe, non-toxic insect repellent is one way to lessen your animal and family’s exposure to chemical-based pesticides. Remember: always consult a veterinarian when planning your pet’s pest control regimen.


Household Cleaners

Indoor air pollution is a common issue in American homes. Whether inhaled, ingested or absorbed through the skin, common household cleaners are largely at fault. Bleach, ammonia, chlorine, formaldehyde and other toxic chemicals feature prominently in these cleaning solutions, including laundry detergents. Cancer, anemia and organ damage are just some of the known health complications associated with these ingredients and their noxious fumes.

To avoid exposure, consider switching to natural cleaning alternatives. Brands like Honest, Mrs Meyer’s, and Method make several natural cleaners to choose from. Do-It-Yourself solutions are another viable option. Click here for an in-depth guide to making natural cleaners at home.


Air Fresheners and Scented Candles

From plug-ins and incense to sprays and scented candles, air fresheners are surprisingly toxic. Long term health effects such as respiratory complications, heart disease and cancer have been linked to the harmful chemicals contained within these products. Formaldehyde, heavy metals, and VOCs (volatile organic compounds) like ethanol, acetate and acetone are the primary culprits. Studies have shown that in some respects these ingredients can be even more harmful than cigarette smoke.

Considering these chemicals can accumulate in the body over time and usually end up collecting on the floor, pets and children are most at risk. To ensure your pet lives a long and healthy life, we strongly encourage seeking natural alternatives to household air fresheners. Click here for tips on freshening your home’s air naturally.


Fertilizers, Herbicides and Outdoor Pesticides

Traditionally formulated pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers can spell trouble for your dog or cat. Dogs have been known to ingest fertilizers, which commonly contain toxic mixtures of nitrogen, phosphorus and other chemicals. Pest control sprays and herbicides are arguably even worse. Lying on the lawn, paw-licking or consuming grass are all it takes to receive harmful exposure. Bottom line: don’t put anything on your lawn or garden until researching its potential impact on your pet’s health. To prevent life-altering side effects and possibly even the loss of your pet, go with a non-toxic lawn and garden alternatives instead.


Indoor Insecticides and Rodenticides

The same ingredients that make indoor pesticides lethal to insects and rodents make them extremely dangerous for your pet, too. Avoid illness, a vet visit, or potentially serious health consequences by using only pet-safe pest control products within the home. Plant-based pesticides, DIY essential oil mixtures, and diatomaceous earth are viable substitutes. Adopting basic pest prevention practices will also decrease pest activity.


Thoughts, suggestions, have your own tips to add? Comment below or head over to our Facebook page and let us know what you think!


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Sunday, May 6, 2018

7 Ways to Show Your Cat You Love Them

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One of the most frustrating things about being a cat parent is finding ways to effectively communicate with our fur baes. We all want our cats to know how much we love them, don’t we? Unfortunately, cats can seem distant and preoccupied, seemingly uninterested in our affection and company. The truth is, cats and people just express feelings differently, so your love is being lost in translation. If you can speak your cat’s language, you can let them know just how you feel, and strengthen your bond in the process. Here are 7 ways to show your cat that you love them.


Nose-To-Tail Body Rubs

We’ve all seen our cats do this. It’s cute, cuddly, and it makes us love them even more (even when we have to reach for the lint roller afterwards). It turns out our cats do this for a very specific reason. In short, they’re marking us as their own. By rubbing their scent onto our bodies, our cats are leaving a trace that says: “this human is mine!” When you allow your cat as many nose-to-tail rubs as they can handle, you’re letting them know that you value the relationship, too.


Slow Blinking and Head Bunting

Cat experts agree: slow blinking and head bumping are big signs that your cat loves and trusts you. Reciprocate by mirroring this activity to show you love them right back. Experts advise against initiating these behaviors, but if your cat swings up with the slow blinks and wants to bump heads, dive right in.


Cat Naps

Snoozing with your cat can strengthen your shared bond. If a cat feels comfortable enough to sleep on or right next to you, it means they respect you immensely. Co-sleeping is by no means necessary for cat parents, but if your cat curls up ready for a quick nap, accepting the gesture lets them know the respect is mutual.


Cat Massages

Who doesn’t like massages? In addition to lowering blood pressure and helping with stress, massages can bring you and your cat closer together. Use this time to check for lumps and hair mats, too. Over time you’ll discover your cat’s favorite massage spots, but if you’re just starting out, try their cheeks and tail.




Just like with massages, cats love grooming and to be groomed. In the cat world, grooming is a social activity that expresses affection and shared trust. In other words, grooming is a fast track to your cat’s heart. In addition to feeling good and expressing love, gentle brushing reduces hairballs and leads to a cleaner coat. If your cat approves of your grooming technique, they might just try to groom you back, so be ready for those sandpaper tongue kisses



At the end of the day, everyone likes to have fun and unwind—including your cat. No, you can’t share a craft beer with them, but you can definitely introduce your kitty to catnip. This affordable and harmless herb can give your cat a serious boost, making them much more playful and relaxed. Whether you’re giving them straight catnip or toys laced with the plant, your cat will absolutely love you for it!


Get Playful

Unlike dogs, cats usually make us work for their affection. Don’t be fooled, they enjoy being loved on, too. The big difference is that cats prefer to dictate when and how that love takes place. Whether using string, a box or actual cat toys, playtime is the easiest way to up the relationship with your feline friend. Even the most aloof cats will warm up the more playtime you offer them.



Thoughts, suggestions, have your own tips to add? Comment below or head over to our Facebook page and let us know what you think!



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