Wednesday, September 26, 2018

How to Pick the Right CBD Oil for Your Pet

CBD oil is quickly becoming one of the most exciting natural approaches to keeping pets happy and pain-free. For pet parents new to CBD, choosing the right oil can be a confusing and intimidating process. After all, our animals’ health is everything. Sadly, not all CBD oils are created equal, and efficacy and quality often vary greatly from brand to brand. To ensure you’re choosing the right product for your pet, here are 5 tips for selecting the safest, highest quality CBD oil for your cat or dog.


Go with Hemp

The most effective and safe CBD oils are made from hemp, not marijuana. While both belong to the cannabis family of plants, hemp contains much higher concentrations of CBD (the relief-giving ingredient of the cannabis plant) and minuscule amounts of THC (the psychoactive ingredient of the cannabis plant). High quality hemp generally contains no more than 0.3% THC. After proper oil extraction, this level should be nearly undetectable. As a rule, always look for CBD oils that boast no more than 0.3% THC.


Third Party Testing is Essential

Reputable CBD oil companies use third party testing to verify the quality, potency, and effects of their products. General claims about the efficacy and benefits of CBD oil are not sufficient, as sourcing, processing and several other elements all affect quality and can vary from brand to brand. When choosing a CBD oil for your pet care routine, check the company’s labels and website to ensure they have such testing before purchasing.


Choose Organic Oil that’s Extracted Naturally

As with any naturally occurring ingredient, organic is always the way to go. We suggest avoiding CBD oil brands that use preservatives and other unnatural additives to increase the shelf life of their products. Organic hemp is crucial to the best CBD Oils, but the means of extraction are also important. After all, organic hemp only matters so much when cheaper, toxic methods of extraction—such as butane or ethanol—taint the final product. To avoid artificial processing, choose CBD oils that are made using what’s called “supercritical CO2 extraction.” This food-grade extraction process not only renders the purest and most effective CBD oil for your pet, it’s also the least impactful process for the environment. Win-win.


Full Spectrum over CBD Isolate

A crucial decision when picking the right CBD oil for your pet is whether to go with CBD isolate (pure CBD oil) or full spectrum CBD (which contains other beneficial ingredients found in the cannabis plant). While it was once believed that CBD isolate offered more benefits than full spectrum CBD, a 2015 study revealed the exact opposite. It was discovered that CBD oil offers more relief when used in conjunction with the plant’s other naturally occurring cannabinoids.


Research Their Sourcing

Sourcing is arguably the most important feature when choosing a high quality and effective CBD oil for your dog. It’s simple: high quality CBD oil is not possible without high quality starting materials, namely plants and farmland. Because cannabis plants are especially sensitive to ground contaminants, rich, healthy soil is vital to cultivating a healthy crop, and therefore healthy CBD oil. To ensure both high quality soil and hemp plants, only purchase CBD oils grown in the U.S. from Certified USDA Organic Hemp farms. Sourcing information should be available on the the company’s website.


Thoughts, suggestions, have your own tips to add? Comment below or head over to our Facebook page to let us know what you think!

The post How to Pick the Right CBD Oil for Your Pet appeared first on Cedarcide.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

5 Reasons We love CBD Oil

Cedarcide blog post image, 5 Reasons We Love CBD Oil

CBD Oil—aka cannabidoil, a non-intoxicating cannabis extract—is quickly becoming a hot topic in the natural pet care industry. From cardiovascular wellness, cancer, chronic pain and anxiety, CBD Oil is said to have countless benefits for canine health. After doing some research, consulting with industry experts, along with personal experience with our own pups, we’ve fallen in love with this multi-purpose natural alternative. But why do we like it so much and why is CBD oil so great? We’re glad you asked. Here are 5 reasons we love CBD Oil.


There’s Evidence it Helps Fight Cancer

One of the most fascinating (and also controversial) aspects of CBD oil is the belief that it might help combat canine cancer. While such claims should not be taken lightly and there are no significant clinical trials involving CBD Oil and canine cancer, there does seem to be evidence suggesting CBD oil can help dogs suffering from cancer.

Firstly, studies have found that CBD oil can help prevent existing cancer cells from spreading further throughout the body. Furthermore, CBD Oil has been shown to actively help kill cancer cells, by both boosting cells that fight cancer development and preventing cancer cells from receiving the necessary nutrients for growth. Also, CBD oil is believed to improve the efficacy of traditional cancer treatments. Lastly, according to the National Cancer Institute, CBD Oil is known to support a healthy appetite and decrease nausea, two common cancer struggles that can slow a successful recovery from the disease.


It’s Said to fight Chronic Pain…Naturally!

Chronic pain is a common struggle for pet parents, especially for those with adventure pets that enjoy activities like hiking and camping. On principle, we believe it’s important to seek natural alternatives to traditional, chemical-based pain treatments, which is a big reason we’re excited about CBD oil. Thankfully, studies suggest CBD oil might be an especially successful natural approach for addressing such issues. Not only has CBD oil been shown to decrease general and chronic pain, it’s also known to reduce inflammation as well as the negative impacts inflammation can have on premature aging.


Experts Argue it’s Good for Heart Health

Many veterinarians argue that CBD oil can help support a healthy canine heart. Studies have linked CBD oil to the reduction of blood vessel damage, increased artery health, lower heart rates and reduced blood pressure. Additionally, CBD oil has been shown to relieve stress and anxiety, two factors instrumental to cardiovascular wellness.


It’s Said to Help Anxious Pups

From depression to separation anxiety to aggression, CBD oil is commonly used to relieve anxiety in stressed canines. Because anxiety can lead to barking and biting, not to mention destructive behaviors like urinating and severe scratching & chewing, CBD oil could soon become an essential staple in most natural pet care routines.



It’s Used to Improve the Lives of Aging Dogs

Arthritis, seizures, chronic inflammation, neurodegenerative disease, autoimmune disease—CBD oil is said to help with all these health concerns, making it an especially useful health tool for aging pets. By reducing chronic pain, alleviating epilepsy symptoms, limiting free radicals and helping relieve general inflammation, CBD oil is also commonly used to prevent and slow premature aging. A natural approach that makes life easier and more fun for senior pups? Yeah, we’re on board!

A Note on CBD oil: Cedarcide has not verified the claims above. We suggest consulting a vet before using CBD oil on your pet.


Thoughts, suggestions, have your own tips to add? Comment below or head over to our Facebook page to let us know what you think!

The post 5 Reasons We love CBD Oil appeared first on Cedarcide.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

5 Essential Oil Safety Tips for Dogs

Cedarcide blog post image, 5 Essential Oil Safety Tips for Dogs

Essential oils are becoming increasingly popular in the world of natural pet care. When used correctly, essential oils offer a chemical-free alternative to help address inflammation, infection, anxiety and countless other pet concerns. However, as with any remedy natural or not, when used incorrectly essential oils can do more harm than good. Check out the following tips to help your pup enjoy a smooth and safe introduction to the natural benefits of essential oils.

Always consult a veterinarian before incorporating essential oils into your pet care routine. Specifically, ask if your chosen essential oil is the right fit for your pup, how the oil can benefit them, as well as dosage and application advice. We do not suggest using essential oils on or around cats unless first approved through a veterinarian.


Not All Essential Oils Are Created Equal

As with any over-the-counter product, not all essential oils are created equal. When selecting a brand, it’s crucial to do your research, shop around, and explore all available options. Sadly, many essential oil companies sell products contaminated with impurities and other toxins that could be harmful to your pup. Only purchase from reputable and well-reviewed sources, preferably companies that have an extensive history of offering essential oils for therapeutic purposes (pet-friendly companies are even better). As a rule, look for essential oils marked “therapeutic grade” or “medical grade.” Avoid those marketed as “fragrance-grade,” as these are typically inferior in quality and often contain contaminants that could harm your pet.


Never Give Orally

Dogs should never be fed or allowed to ingest essential oils. Oral ingestion can lead to gastric distress, tissue damage, organ failure, and general toxicity among other scary side effects. Keep it simple and avoid all internal use when it comes to essential oils and pet care.


Always Dilute

Did you know on average essential oils are over 75 times more potent than their herbal counterparts? For example, it takes roughly 16 pounds of peppermint leaves to make a single ounce of peppermint essential oil! Given this, you can imagine why it’s important to dilute essential oils before using them around your pet. While the exact specs will vary depending on use, animal age, weight, and a number of other factors, we suggest aiming for approximately 3-6 drops of essential oil per 1 oz. of carrier oil.


Know Which Essential Oils to Avoid

In general, avoid using the following essential oils on or around your dog:

    • Citrus oils (like lemon and orange, for example)
    • Cinnamon
    • Pennyroyal
    • Ylang ylang
    • Tea tree
    • Pine
    • Sweet birch
    • Wintergreen
    • Thyme
    • Clove
    • Yarrow
    • Garlic
    • Anise


6 Reasons We Love Lemongrass Essential Oil


Watch For Signs of Sensitivity

Even when using the right essential oils in the correct manner your dog could still experience an adverse reaction to essential oil use. Knowing what to look for in the event of such a reaction can save you and your pup considerable stress and discomfort. Here are the common symptoms of essential oil irritation and poisoning:

    • Lethargy
    • Loss of balance
    • Loss of appetite
    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhea
    • Drooling
    • Muscle tremors
    • Pawing at the mouth or face
    • Rashes
    • Panting


To prevent essential oil overexposure, avoid application on or near sensitive areas—such as the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and genitals. Additionally, avoid use on very young, very old, pregnant, nursing, ill or weak pets. And again, consult a veterinarian before incorporating essential oils into your pet care routine.


Thoughts, suggestions, have your own tips to add? Comment below or head over to our Facebook page to let us know what you think!

The post 5 Essential Oil Safety Tips for Dogs appeared first on Cedarcide.