Lyme Disease is said to affect more people in the U.S. than HIV, AIDS and even breast cancer. Early symptoms range from flu-like pain and exhaustion, to localized paralysis and memory loss. A startling 40% of those who contract Lyme disease, however, will suffer long term complications too—such as infertility, debilitating joint pain, daily fatigue, even depression. If not detected and treated early, Lyme can lead to permanent neurological impairment, heart damage and, in rare cases, even death. Here’s 10 more frightening things you might not know about Lyme disease:
Lyme-Carrying Ticks Can Be the Size of the Period At the End of This Sentence.
Ticks have four life stages: egg, larvae, nymph, and adult. Although not fully developed at the nymph stage, these immature ticks still spread Lyme disease. Worst yet, nymphs are essentially invisible. For perspective, the average nymph is smaller than the size of a grain of salt or pepper, smaller even than a pinhead (approximately 4/100 of an inch).
2017 Could Be the Worst Year For Lyme Disease We’ve Ever Seen
The CDC reports that on average the United States experiences 330,000 new cases of Lyme disease each year—that’s 38 cases per hour. And those numbers are only getting worse. Since 1982, the number of reported cases has increased 25X (that’s 2500%!). With spring coming earlier than expected this year in most parts of the country, and with an unusually large increase in rodent populations across the Northeast, experts are predicting that 2017 will likely be the worst year for Lyme disease on record.
Less than 20% of Lyme Disease Sufferers Develop the Infamous Bull’s Eye Rash
The most well known Lyme disease symptom is the bull’s eye rash. In fact, most people use this symptom to tell whether they’ve contracted the disease or not. However, only about 20% of people with Lyme ever develop this rash.
Children Are Most At Risk
As scary as Lyme disease can be, the thought that children are at the highest risk of contracting the disease is worse. The CDC reports that those between the ages of 3-14 are the most likely to suffer from Lyme. The elderly are the second most vulnerable.
On Average, It Takes 2-3 Years To Properly Diagnose Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is often called ‘The Great Imitator’ because of how difficult it is to accurately identify. Its wide array of symptoms often leads to misdiagnosis. In fact, it’s not uncommon for Lyme sufferers to visit several doctors before a correct diagnosis is made.
“My patients have usually been around the block by the time I assess them—this means dozens of physicians, prescriptions, and misdiagnoses,” says Neurologist and Clinical Neurophysiologist Dr. Elena Frid.
Lyme Medications Can Cause Even More Pain Than the Disease
Although relatively uncommon, about 15% of patients experience an adverse side effect to Lyme antibiotics called the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction. As the medication begins to eliminate Lyme bacteria, the disease responds by releasing inflammation-causing proteins. Flu-like symptoms—fever, aches, chills—and both acute and general pain often result. While only lasting a short time, this reaction can leave you bed ridden for days.
Lyme Disease Affects Every State In The U.S.
Think because you live in the South you’re safe from ticks? Think again. Although over 90% of Lyme cases occur in the Northern U.S., cases of Lyme disease have been reported in all 50 of the United States. In fact, contracting Lyme disease in Southern regions can be even worse since the disease is far more likely to be misdiagnosed.
Lyme Can Spread From Mother To Baby During Birth
Not only can Lyme disease cause pregnancy complications such as infertility, it can also be passed onto children during birth. A frightening 20% of babies born to mothers suffering from Lyme will contract the disease. This method of contracting lyme can cause debilitating, even fatal, birth defects.
Lyme Disease Can Lead to Depression, Brain Fog, and Psychosis
While temporary memory loss and lowered cognitive function are common symptoms in those with lyme disease, long term symptoms can be much worse. Brain fog, life-threatening depression, and psychosis have all been linked to Lyme disease. These symptoms are known to last for as long as a decade.
Testing For Lyme Disease Is Often Unreliable
The Elisa test is perhaps the most administered test for Lyme disease across the country. Unfortunately, reports indicate that this test results in approximately 35% false negatives. Other sources have shown that upwards of 70% of all blood tests for Lyme result in either false negatives or false positives.
How Can You Avoid Lyme Disease?
Check out “How To Tick-Proof Your Yard Naturally”
The only way to reduce the probability of contracting Lyme is by limiting your exposure to Ticks. By creating an environment inhospitable to ticks and other biting insects, you can rest assured that you and your family will remain free of tick-borne illnesses like Lyme and the Powassan Virus. Although applying an all natural insect repellent to you and your pet before heading outdoors is important , treating your home and lawn is an equally necessary step to keep ticks away from you, your family and your pets.
To Safeguard Your Lawn & Garden From Ticks, we recommend treating your yard with either PCO Choice concentrate, or its ready-to-use alternative, Yardsafe.
For Home, Pet and Personal Protection, we recommend using Cedarcide Original, or our extra-strength formula, Tickshield.
The post 10 Scary Things You Didn’t Know About Lyme Disease appeared first on CedarCide.
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