Thursday, October 27, 2016

5 Halloween Pet Safety Tips You Don’t Want To Miss


4Keep the candy bowls out of reach! All forms of chocolate, but especially dark chocolate, as well as the artificial sweetener, xylitol, are toxic to pets. This makes almost all candy toxic to animals and therefore should not be given, even in small amounts.

If your pet does ingest candy, here’s what to look for:

  • Vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Lethargy
  • Coordination Loss
  • Dark Spots on their gums

5Keep animals in a safe, secure place. Goblins, ghosts, clowns and other strange figures are not just scary to people. Pets can also become frightened and potentially act out aggressively in fear. This is every dog owner’s nightmare, so make sure to play it safe with your pets and keep them comfortable and away from the commotion.

Beware of Halloween decorations that could be a potential hazard to your pets. Pets are naturally curious and when you add new things to their environment they are likely to get themselves into trouble. Dogs and especially cats have been known to be burned by open flames, so make sure to keep them out of their reach.




Dunnamedon’t make your pet miserable for the sake of a costume. If an animal is not comfortable with something they should not be forced to wear it. This can cause undue stress on an animal which could potentially lead to a dangerous situation. Also, make sure costumes are not too small or have the potential to choke the animal. Costumes are meant to be fun and cute, not uncomfortable or stressful. 🙂

Be sure your pet has an identification tag and is wearing it! Many pet owners think their dog or cat would never run away from home, but fear can make animals do strange things. Having an identification tag is a huge safety benefit should your pets escape. If you live in an area that will be experiencing trick or treaters, make sure to keep all windows and doors closed. Added commotion and visitors outside can cause cause them to flee the situation.

The post 5 Halloween Pet Safety Tips You Don’t Want To Miss appeared first on CedarCide.

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