Monday, January 29, 2018

7 Ways to Freshen Your Dog’s Breath Naturally

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We’ve all been there. You come home to an excited, jumping dog only to get a face full of stink. Bam—dog breath! We all love those doggy kisses but wouldn’t it be great if they smelled just a little better? While unusually foul breath can be an indicator of an underlying health condition (if it seems really out of the ordinary, visit your vet ASAP), most forms of bad breath can be easily improved. By considering the following 7 natural tips, you can have your dog’s breath smelling fresher in no time.


Nearly all dog owners know this one, but in case you missed the memo, bones are awesome for canine dental health. They scrape away plaque, lead to whiter teeth, and help maintain healthy gums. Just make sure to choose the right bone for your pooch.


Parsley is a well known remedy for bad breath—for both people and dogs alike. It’s the chlorophyll in parsley that’s said to do the trick. While there’s some disagreement about how long the deodorizing effects last, adding a little parsley to your pup’s diet is a safe and natural way to combat stinky dog mouth. Tip: Use approximately one teaspoon of parsley per 10 pounds of weight.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is said to benefit dogs in several ways. In addition to helping improve digestion, immune system health, and allergies, coconut oil is a natural method for freshening your dog’s breath. Thankfully, dogs love the taste, too. Simply add a teaspoon to your pup’s food bowl each day to start enjoying the effects immediately. Brushing your pooch’s teeth with coconut oil is another way to maximize results, although this should not be used in place of regular tooth brushing.

Natural Snacks

Like bones, crunchy foods such as carrots, apples and celery can improve your dog’s breath by removing odor-causing bacteria from their teeth. When chewed, these foods act not unlike a toothbrush, scrubbing away hard-to-reach food particles and plaque buildup.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar boasts a seemingly endless list of benefits for people and pets—fresher breath included. It’s as simple as adding a teaspoon of this natural disinfectant to your dog’s water bowl each day. You should notice the effects in just a few days.


Here’s one you might not know about. Good old fashioned cinnamon is an easy and natural trick for transforming your dog’s stale, smelly breath. Not only can cinnamon help break up hidden food particles, it can prevent the buildup of bacteria in between teeth. The quickest way to incorporate cinnamon in your dog’s diet is to add a few sprinkles to their food bowl.


One of the principal causes of doggy bad breath are bacteria that inhabit the digestive system. This is where probiotics come in. Probiotics aid in digestion and the growth of beneficial bacteria, which in turn combat odor-causing bacteria in the mouth and GI tract. For more info on probiotics and choosing the right one for your canine friend, click here.

Thoughts, suggestions, have your own tips to add? Comment below or head over to our Facebook  page and let us know what you think!

The post 7 Ways to Freshen Your Dog’s Breath Naturally appeared first on CedarCide.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

7 Natural Tips for Calming an Anxious Dog

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Does your dog freak out in thunderstorms? Does he or she bark and howl when stressed? How many shoes have you lost to a restless pup? While an overly energetic or nervous dog can be overwhelming, there are several ways to help your pooch out in such situations. The next time your dog’s suffering from anxiety, try one of these natural methods for calming them down.


Go for a Walk

This is the big one. Walks are a cure-all for many doggy issues—anxiety and restlessness included. A nice long walk will help relieve excess energy and provide your pup with plenty of physical and mental stimulation. Once thoroughly exercised, your pup will return home relaxed and likely ready for some downtime.

Look in the Mirror

From voice to body language, dogs pick up on their owners moods and behaviors. If your dog is constantly anxious, it might be time to look in the mirror. If you’ve been feeling stressed or nervous lately, that might be why your pooch has been acting that way, too. While it’s certainly easier said than done, making a conscious effort to maintain a calm and composed energy can do wonders for your pet’s own demeanor.

Mental Exercise

Mental exercise is every bit as important as physical exercise when it comes to your dog—especially if your pup’s dealing with anxiety. There are countless options for giving your dog a mental jump-start, but food puzzles and training are two of our favorites. Food puzzles, also known as food dispensing toys, are the best option if your low on time. Simply fill a Kong toy with your doggie’s favorite food, and let them have at it (more tips on using Kong toys can be found in the video above). From basic commands like sitting and staying to more advanced tricks like shaking hands, including a couple weekly training sessions into your dog’s schedule will keep their mind in tip top shape.


Explore Aromatherapy for Dogs

Smell is arguably the strongest sense your dog experiences. So doesn’t it make sense that smell might be one of the best avenues for calming your pup? It’s no wonder aromatherapy is quickly becoming a popular way to soothe anxious dogs. Essential oils like chamomile and lavender are a natural method for bringing some much needed peace to your nervous pooch. For more info on aromatherapy and what essential oils might be right for your dog, click here.

Introduce Them to Music

Music can be an incredibly effective way to relax otherwise nervous pups—particularly those suffering from separation anxiety. But what music is best for calming dogs? Thankfully, someone’s already done the work for you. A quick search through iTunesSpotify or Pandora will turn up dozens of dog-specific music playlists. Just make sure to change up the music from time to time; studies have shown dogs can become bored with a single type of music in as little as 7 days.

Comfort Them

From simple affection and thundershirts to quiet time, there are many ways to comfort your doggy when they’re feeling uneasy. The comforting embrace of a thundershirt can work miracles with nervous pets. Physical contact like petting and scratching is another option known to relax dogs (just don’t force a hug—most dogs don’t actually enjoy being hugged). If these aren’t doing the trick, consider giving your dog some alone time in his or her crate. A quiet space with low lighting can really reset your pup’s mood, leaving them relaxed and feeling safe.

Adopt a New Friend

Finding a friend for you doggy is an awesome and effective way to keep their mood in balance. Not only can an additional dog improve the relationship you enjoy with your current pup, they’re great company for when you’re not around. But remember—adopt don’t shop! There’s plenty of puppies out there in need of homes. Interested in adopting one? Check out this resource to help narrow your search.


Thoughts, suggestions, have your own tips to add? Comment below or head over to our Facebook  page and let us know what you think!

The post 7 Natural Tips for Calming an Anxious Dog appeared first on CedarCide.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Cedarcide blog post image, What is Dog Flu, And What You Can Do About It
It has been a rough flu season for us humans. But did you know dogs can catch the flu, too? Just like the normal flu, dog flu is an illness that mostly affects the respiratory system, resulting in coughing, sniffling, malaise, and in rare cases death. Educating yourself about  dog flu—its risks and symptoms—is the best way to protect your pup from the virus. Here’s what you need to know.

What is Dog Flu

Dog flu, also known as canine influenza, is a viral infection that affects—you guessed it—dogs. It’s fairly new (it was first discovered in 2004) and highly contagious. It’s estimated that 80% of all dogs that come into contact with the virus will display symptoms. A sneeze or cough from an infected pup is all it takes to spread the virus. Dogs that frequent public canine spaces—like dog parks and kennels—are most at risk of contracting dog flu. In short, if your dog spends a lot of time around other dogs, their chance of getting canine influenza is higher. And just in case you’re worried—No, you can’t catch dog flu from your dog.

What are the Symptoms?

The most common dog flu symptoms are not unlike those associated with human flu; they include:

  • Fever
  • Persistent cough
  • Runny nose
  • Lethargy
  • Loss of appetite
  • Sneezing
  • Gooey discharge from the eyes

How Dangerous is Dog Flu

The good news is that dog flu is not as scary as it might sound. Less than 10% of all dogs that contract the virus die from it. And these are typically the result of complications like pneumonia, or a preexisting health condition. Older pups, puppies and smushed-faced breeds like pugs and bulldogs are especially vulnerable to the effects of canine influenza. But generally, most dogs enjoy a full recovery in 2 to 3 weeks. Regardless, we suggest consulting a vet if you suspect your pet has contracted dog flu, especially if the symptoms are severe.

How to Protect Your Dog From Canine Flu

Other than keeping your pup at home and away from other dogs, there aren’t many options for guarding against dog flu. And frankly, such measures are rarely necessary unless there’s an active outbreak in your area. Similarly, if your pup is showing signs of dog flu, spare the local dog community and keep your pooch at home until their symptoms subside. There’s also a dog flu vaccine for canine influenza. But it’s a bit controversial, as there’s significant disagreement in the pet care community regarding just how effective and necessary the vaccine really is. Even when administered correctly, the vaccine is not 100% effective. Vaccinated dogs, however, do experience milder cases of the flu compared to those that are not vaccinated. Ultimately, vaccinating your pup is a personal decision that each individual has to make about their own dog in collaboration with their veterinarian.

Thoughts, suggestions, have your own tips to add? Comment below or head over to our Facebook page and let us know what you think!

The post appeared first on CedarCide.

Friday, January 19, 2018

11 Tips for Walking Your Dog in Winter

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Cold, snowy weather can make dog walking a dicey and unpleasant task. But no matter what’s happening outside, our pups still need their daily exercise. By following a few simple tips, winter dog walking can be a safe and enjoyable experience for both you and your canine friend. Here’s what you need to do:


Bundle up

Many breeds do well in winter—Huskies, Malamutes, and Samoyeds, for example—but many do not. If your pup wasn’t built for the cold (or if they’re older, younger or sick), make sure to bundle them up before heading outside. Coats, sweaters, vests—there are many options to choose from. Make sure to bundle up yourself while you’re at it. 


Use Booties 

Because dogs’ paw pads are sensitive to cold temperatures, and because the snow can hide hazards like sharp objects and toxic de-icing salts, booties should play a role in nearly every winter dog walk. But before strapping them on your pup’s feet and heading for a walk, get them accustomed to wearing them first. It usually takes dogs a few days to get the hang of wearing them.  


Avoid Metal

Metal poses several risks to dogs during winter walks. Firstly, if your pup were to lick or walk across an ice-caked metal surface they could become stuck and harm themselves. Secondly—and this is the scary one—coming into contact with frozen metal items like lamp posts or electrical boxes could actually electrocute your pet. Winter’s moist conditions, abundance of street salt, and tendency to interfere with electrical wiring all make for a dangerous combination. Just to be safe, steer clear of metal and metal surfaces when dog walking in winter.


Don’t Let Your Pup Eat Snow

There’s no telling what’s in or underneath the snow you come across during winter walks—which is why letting your pup eat snow is a big no-no. Antifreeze, toxic pesticides, harmful de-icing salts, animal waste, sharp objects—all could be lurking in the snow your pup tries to lick or eat. Even plain old snow can make your pup sick. Winter blap disease, which happens as a result of abundant snow consumption, can cause intestinal distress like vomiting and diarrhea.


Drink Plenty of Water

One way to keep your pup from eating snow on walks is to thoroughly hydrate them beforehand. Winter’s frigid temperatures have a way of drying out your pup. Not to mention that winter gear like sweaters and booties can rob your pup of much needed moisture. Always give your dog access to plenty of water before and after winter walks.


Look Out for Ice

Even the smallest sheet of ice can spell trouble for you and your pup. In addition to sharp edges potentially cutting your dog’s paws, a fall by either of you could cause injury to both of you. Take it slow, and always watch out for places where icy surfaces might be hiding.


Bag the Poop

Somehow somewhere dog owners got the idea they didn’t have to bag their pup’s poop during winter. This is not a good idea, nor a healthy one. While snow might hide the mess momentarily, dog poop becomes a problematic issue once the weather heats up again. Bacteria, pests and disease can all result from improperly disposed of dog poop. Keep your community safe and clean by always bagging dog poop—especially in winter.



Use the Sidewalk

As we’ve mentioned, snow can hide items that could harm your pet—like ice, sharp objects or chemicals. Considering this, we suggest sticking to sidewalks when doing your daily winter stroll. Plus, the dryer your pup stays the warmer they’ll stay, too. Playing in snow is certainly fine if you know the area and understand the safety concerns. But if you’re looking to maximize your dog’s exercise, sidewalks are the way to go.


Have Towels Ready

A dry towel by the front door after a winter walk is a must. Not only will it spare your carpet mud, snow and other messes, it’ll help warm your pup up after a chilly walk. Ice, snow, and salt can easily get lodged between your dog’s toes and throughout their coat when playing in the cold. Thoroughly toweling them off afterward is an important final step in keeping your dog safe and warm.


Flea and Tick Protection
Remember: Flea and ticks still bite in winter. Protect from bites by applying a naturally-sourced insect repellent to both you and your pup before starting your daily walk. 

                                                                                        Read more >> 


Pay Attention

No matter how bundled up your pup is they’re going to get cold at some point, which is why paying attention to their body language is key. Watch closely, looking out for signs that your dog is becoming too cold or uncomfortable. Failure to notice such signs could have serious consequences, such as hypothermia or frostbite. Here’s what you need to look out for:

  • Barking, whining or any other verbal sign of discomfort
  • Suddenly stops playing or moving—Your dog could be uncomfortable, or their pads might be hurting from snow or ice exposure
  • Shivering
  • Signs of Hypothermia in dogs: Intense shivering, lethargy, shallow breathing, loss of appetite, muscle stiffness, weak pulse
  • Signs of  Frostbite in dogs: Red, gray, blue, white or pale skin; shriveled skin; pain in the ears, tail, paws or other extremities; skin that remains cold to the touch

Thoughts, suggestions, have your own tips to add? Comment below or head over to our Facebook page and let us know what you think!

The post 11 Tips for Walking Your Dog in Winter appeared first on CedarCide.

Friday, January 12, 2018

10 Cats for People With Allergies

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While no cat is completely hypoallergenic, if you love cats but suffer allergies there’s no cause for concern. There are several breeds that might work for you. But why are some people allergic to cats in the first place? The answer mostly comes down to a single protein, Fel d 1, which is the primary cat allergen. Saliva, urine, skin, dander—all carry this allergy triggering protein. Some cats produce less of this protein than others, and other cats shed less, making the spread of the Fel d 1 protein less extensive. Essentially, all hypoallergenic felines fall somewhere in this range. Here’s 10 of our favorites.



Don’t let their long and luxurious coats fool you—Siberians are a suitable breed option for allergy sufferers. Siberians are hypoallergenic because they produce less of the Fel d 1 allergen, making them far less likely to trigger symptoms than most other breeds.


This curious and loyal cat is often called the “long-haired Siamese” (the Balinese is basically just a furrier Siamese). Not only are they one of the most intelligent breeds, they’re one of the most hypoallergenic, too. Like the Siberian, there are less allergens in their bodies than most other types of cats. The Balinese is a particularly good choice for those who prefer lap cats to more reserved breeds.



This exotic-looking cat tends to shed far less than other breeds on account of its unusually fine fur. Less shedding means less personal grooming, which makes for fewer allergens. While their bodies produce just as much allergy-triggering proteins as most cats, their unique hair makes them a solid option for cat lovers suffering from allergies.

Cornish Rex

Whereas most cats have three layers of fur—guard hair, awn hair and down hair—the Cornish rex only has down hair, or what’s commonly called the undercoat. Because they lack the layers of other breeds, the rex is far less likely to spread allergy-causing dander around the home. Bonus: they’re just a really unique looking feline!

Devon Rex

The Devon rex is a short-haired cat with fine, curly hair (like the Cornish rex, Devons only sport an undercoat). So thin is their coat that it’s not uncommon for them to lose a large portion of their hair as they age. This quality is exactly why they’re an ideal match for allergy prone cat admirers. Less hair equals less allergy symptoms.


Athletic and popular as a show cat, the Javanese is an excellent choice for allergy sufferers. Javanese cats like many hypoallergenic breeds have just a single layer of fur instead of the usual three. With just a medium length top coat, the Javanese shed very little dander, making them great for allergies and clean floors alike.

Oriental Shorthair

Elegant and renowned for its countless patterns and colorways, the Oriental shorthair is closely related to the Siamese cat. If you have cat allergies and enjoy a highly sociable cat, this might be the right breed for you.

Russian Blue

Despite their dense, compacted fur, Russian blues are one of the most hypoallergenic breeds in the world. Russian blues, like other allergy friendly cats, produce less of the protein associated with triggering allergy symptoms, Fel d 1. Their silvery coat and sea-green eyes also make them one of the most beautiful breeds on the planet.


 Perhaps the most obvious of all hypoallergenic cats, the sphynx is a completely hairless breed. While no cat is entirely allergy friendly, the sphynx is close. But prospective owners be advised, no hair does not necessarily mean no maintenance. Sphinxes like most hairless breeds, require regular baths due to skin oil buildup.


One of the more unusual looking cats, LaPerms have just the type of hair you would expect: Very curly. The breed’s curly tufts and infrequent shedding are likely why allergy sufferers tend to do well around these cats.


If you’re looking for more ways to help manage cat allergies, check out this resource. Questions, thoughts or suggestions? Comment below or head over to our Facebook page and let us know what you think!

The post 10 Cats for People With Allergies appeared first on CedarCide.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

How Cold is Too Cold for Your Dog?

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The coldest days of the year are here—and this can be a confusing time for dog owners. “My dog loves playing in the snow, but is it safe?” “How do I protect my dog from the cold when we go outside?” “How cold is too cold?” Many questions arise when it comes to our dogs and potentially dangerous weather. Let us help clear things up. Here’s a quick primer on how to manage your pup in freezing temperatures.


How Cold is Too Cold for My Dog?

In this regard, there’s no straightforward answer—it depends on the type and size of your dog, along with several other factors. What one dog might find uncomfortably cold, another might consider toasty. The spectrum is wide. As you might have guessed, smaller dogs with thinner coats are in general more vulnerable to cold temperatures. Here’s a few more rules of thumb: Starting at around 45°F, you need to more closely monitor your pet’s behavior for signs of discomfort (we’ll talk more about those signs later). Once you hit the 30s, those with smaller, older and less-healthy dogs should consider seeking warmth. And below that, all owners should start prepping their pups to return home, no dog should remain in such low temperatures for extended periods of time. But again, these are broad parameters, and each dog will react to the cold differently. Other things to consider: Coat type, weight, age, fitness, breed, wind chill factor, moisture.

For a visual guide, check out this chart by Veterinarian Dr. Kim Smyth:


How Can I Protect My Dog From the Cold?

First things first, closely supervising your pet is essential in cold temperatures. Be on the lookout for any behavior that’s out of the ordinary. If you and your pup engage in activities that require extended exposure to colder weather, consider purchasing him dog booties and a winter coat (the booties will also protect his paws from ice and de-icing salts). Playing in the snow is also usually fine, with one exception. If the snow is topped with a hard icy crust, we advise skipping the snow play. These surfaces can harm your pup’s pads, or even cut his legs.

You can help also prevent frostbite by quickly removing ice and snow from your dog’s paws after he’s been outside (pay special attention to any snow or ice balls that may have formed in between the toes).


How do I Know if My Dog is Too Cold—What Are the Signs?

The following are signs your pup could be getting too cold:

  • Barking, whining or any other verbal sign of discomfort
  • Suddenly stops playing or moving—they could be uncomfortable, or their pads might be hurting from snow or ice exposure
  • Shivering
  • Signs of Hypothermia in dogs: Intense shivering, lethargy, shallow breathing, loss of appetite
    muscle stiffness, weak pulse
  • Signs of  Frostbite in dogs: Red, gray, blue, white or pale skin; shriveled skin; pain in the ears, tail, paws or other extremities; skin that remains cold to the touch


What do I do if My Dog Gets Too Cold?

If you see any of the hypothermia or frostbite signs mentioned above, consult your vet immediately.  For hypothermia, you can help raise your dog’s body temperature by placing warm water bottles wrapped in towels under their armpits and chest. Wrapping them in a blanket warmed in the dryer is also effective. (Never use hair dryers or electric blankets, though, as these can cause burns to hypothermic animals). If you’re worried your pup might have frostbite, apply warm—but not hot—water to frostbitten extremities to provide relief. Be careful not to rub or massage areas suspected of frostbite, doing so can cause irreversible damage to the body. If you’re worried your pup might be a little too cold, but they don’t have frostbite or hypothermia, simply bring them inside, wrap them in a blanket and monitor them until they warm back up. If at any point you become concerned about the health of your dog, again, consult a vet immediately. 


Thoughts, suggestions, have your own tips to add? Comment below or head over to our Facebook page and let us know what you think!

The post How Cold is Too Cold for Your Dog? appeared first on CedarCide.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Do Fleas and Ticks Survive the Winter?

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Do Fleas and Ticks Bite in Winter?

Yes! While these pests thrive in humid, warm conditions, they can also live (and bite!) throughout the winter. It’s true they cannot endure freezing weather for extended periods, but they often find ways to survive anyway. In fact, some species of tick are most active in winter. Adult blacklegged ticks, for example, take their first blood meals during late fall or early winter. The winter tick is another especially durable individual, living exclusively during the year’s coldest months.


How do Fleas and Ticks Survive the Winter?

Whether hiding in leaf litter, attaching to a warm host, or overwintering in a garage or animal den, fleas and ticks have several methods for surviving freezing conditions. While fleas cannot hibernate or enter a dormant stage, ticks can. Going dormant on a host or under brush is actually a tick’s primary means of remaining alive through winter. Fleas, however, mostly seek warmth in shelters or hosts—like inside your home or on your pet.


Do I Still Need to Treat for Fleas and Ticks in Winter?

Absolutely! Regardless of your environment, we suggest protecting your pets, your home, and yourself from fleas and ticks year-round. The risks are simply too great. Halting pest prevention, even for just a few weeks, can have frightening results. A single flea slipping through the cracks can lead to a full blown flea population in no time. Ticks are another matter entirely—we all know how dangerous they can be. We don’t even need to mention the diseases a tick bite can spread (but we will! Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, American boutonneuse fever, Powassan virus, tularemia, Colorado tick fever, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, tick paralysis and more).

How Can I Protect my Pets and Myself from Fleas and Ticks?

Prevention is your best friend. First, you need to ensure your home and yard are inhospitable to fleas and ticks. Remove all sources of clutter and debris from your lawn—this is where fleas and ticks will likely hide during cold snaps. A monthly preventative yard treatment with a naturally-sourced outdoor pesticide is also recommended (we do not suggest using traditional, toxic-based pesticides on your lawn or garden for the safety of your pets and family). For more detailed instructions on safeguarding your yard from pests, click here.

For indoor prevention, regularly spray possible entry points—like doorways, window sills, baseboards, attics, basements, etc—with a non-toxic indoor pesticide to create a repellent barrier against fleas and ticks. For more tips on preventing fleas and ticks from entering your home, click here.

For you and your pets, simply reach for a naturally-sourced insect repellent, like Cedarcide Original. Make sure to apply it before enjoying outdoor activities like hiking or visiting the dog park.


Have questions? Having flea or tick issues? Give us a call at (800) 842-1464 or email us at We’re here to help!

The post Do Fleas and Ticks Survive the Winter? appeared first on CedarCide.