Have you ever wondered where bugs disappear to in winter and how they emerge so quickly in spring? It’s popular belief that bugs either migrate or die during winter. However, most insects actually continue to live among us in all life stages during colder months.

How do they survive?
Many species such as butterflies, dragonflies, moths and beetles migrate in large groups to warmer areas. Distance depends on species and where they started from, but some have been known to travel several thousand miles.
Communal Living
Some insects such as bees, ants and termites practice communal living in order to survive on stored food and a colony for support.
Seek Shelter
Most insects such as mosquitoes and fleas, seek shelter in the winter. This could be something such as a brush pile, a dog house or your home.
Freeze Control
Many insects have developed strategies for surviving harsh conditions including controlling their body’s ability to freeze.
Similar to hibernation, somebugs enter a paused period of development called Diapause. This allows them to slow their metabolism and become inactive. This can take place in insects at all life stages and some larvae can freeze and then resume developing when temperatures rise.
How do I keep them out of my home?
The best way to keep bugs from seeking shelter in your home is to make sure to block all possible entry points. Doing a thorough perimeter check at least twice a year is good practice for bug prevention.
Areas to check could include but are not limited to:
Window Screens
Dryer Vents
Foundation cracks
Exterior cracks
Roof Openings
Trash Bins
Recycle bins
Only you know your property. Don’t rely purely on this list for a thorough check.
What kind of bugs are most common inside the home?
Fleas are one of the most common pests that we get calls about during winter. If fleas are able to live indoors they will continue to multiply in your home. Performing regular flea checks on your pets as well as using natural preventatives is key in keeping fleas from becoming a problem.
If you do see fleas, be sure to wash any bedding, clothes or items that you believe could also have been exposed. Vacuuming floors and furniture will pick up any eggs that may be hiding in the fibers. (For bigger infestations, check out this natural home treatment kit.)
Bugs to watch for outside of your house
Do you stack firewood near your home? If so, you could be inviting wood boring bugs to your home. Make sure that you do not store wood inside your home and only bring it indoors when you are ready to use it. This will eliminate bugs that have been harboring in the wood to escape inside your home.
Even though it’s year round, pest prevention should be easy. Knowing how to keep them out and what to use when you do see one what’s most important.
The post How Do Bugs Survive Winter? appeared first on CedarCide.